Strike-slip Faults System and Recent Crustal Deformation in the most Northern Longitudinal Valley

Presenter: Lien-Kai Lin

Date: 2017/03/02


   I introduce my research area background in this seminar. First part, I introduce about the strike-slip system in the Milun Terrace. Second part, I talk abount recent crustal deformation in my area. For the fault system in the Milun Terrace, the fault system divide into four branch faults, from the west to east, including Beipu Fault, Milun Fault, Mingyi Fault, and Nanbin Fault. Moreover, Beipu Fault and Milun fault dip to the east, but Nanbin Fault dip to the west. Based on field investigation and reflection seismic profile, this fault system is pop-up structure, and all of them are left-lateral strike-slip faults. Based on DInSAR (Chang et al.,2006) ,PSInSAR (Yen et al.,2011), and Strain Analysis(Chen et al.,2014), we know that Beipu and near Central Range area is uplifting and under contractional stress. Milun Terrace is subsiding and under W-E extensional stress during the interseismic period, but uplifting during the coseismic period. South of Milun Fault and Coastal Range is subsiding relative to the area near the Central Range. In addition, Yen et al.,(2011) think Milun Fault does not extent to the Longitudinal Valley due to the different crustal deformation. According to strain analysis, the clockwise rotation on Hualien area and counterclockwise rotation on Coastal Range. Chen et al.,(2014) think the Milun Terrace is the result of collision-extrusion tectonics that intiatied by the northwest compression of the Coastal Range under the sea off the Hualien area to push Milun Terrace not only upward but also eastward.



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Chen, C.-Y., Lee, J.-C., Chen, Y.-G., Chen, R.-F., 2014.Campaigned GPS on present-day crustal deformation in northernmost Longitudinal Valley preliminary results, Hualien Taiwan. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. 25, 337–357.(SCI)

Yen, J.-Y., Lu, C.-H., Chang, C.-P., Hooper, A.J., Chang, Y.-H., Liang, W.-T., Chang, T.-Y., Lin, M.-S., Chen, K.-S., 2011.Investigating active deformation in the northern Longitudinal Valley and City of Hualien in eastern Taiwan using persistent scatterer and smallbaseline SAR interferometry. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. 22, 291–304.(SCI)

Liao H.S, 2006, Study of Milun Fault by using shallow reflection seismic., Institute of Seismology, National  Chung Cheng University, 82 pages. (in Chinese)

Chen, C.Y., 2009, Present-day Crustal Deformation and Neotectonics in Northern Hualien, Taiwan. Institute of Geoscience, National  Taiwan University. (in Chinese)

Lin, M. S. and C. L. Hsiao, 1998: The strike-slip fault system in the Milun Tableland. Res. of Eastern Taiwan, 3, 13-30. (in Chinese)

Chung, L.H., Shih, T.S., Liu, Y.C., Hsu, W.L., Hsieh, C.M., Wu, W.T.,2004. Milun Fault. Active Fault Investigation Report. Central Geological Survey MOEA. (in Chinese)